

















研究者主要围绕清洁能源催化与存储以及功能mof基材料的开发与应用方面。自2015年至今,研究者已发表包括angew. chem. int. ed.,j. am. chem. soc., adv. mater., energy environ. sci., adv. energy mater.等国际顶级学术论文多达40余篇,多篇目前为止为esi高被引论文,引用几千余次。研究者两篇angew. chem. int. ed.论文皆被期刊评为vip(very important paper)文章,且都被选为当期封面文章向全球读者重点推荐。研究者adv. mater.论文被期刊编辑高度评价,选为当期内封面(inside cover)。另外,研究者受期刊主编邀请,撰写/参与撰写金属单原子/团簇材料相关方面综述5篇(energy environ. sci. 2020, 13, 1658; adv. energy mater. 2019, 9, 1801307; org. biomol. chem. 2020, 18, 8508; small 2021, 2004809; energychem, 2021, 3, 100049),引起了国内外广泛关注和积极反响。



1. 2022-2025,山东省泰山学者青年项目

2. 2022-2025,山东省优秀青年科学基金(海外)

3. 2024-2026, 山东自然科学基金重大基础研究项目

4. 2023-2025,山东省高校青年创新团队

5. 2024-2024,中国海洋大学“未来科学家”论坛

6. 2022-2024,中国海洋大学青年英才第一层次启动基金

7. 2022-2024,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金





1. mingxu liu; yong peng; weibin chen; shuang cao; shougang chen; fan lu meng; yongcheng jin; chun-chao hou*; ruqiang zou; qiang xu. metal-organic frameworks for carbon-neutral catalysis: state of the art, challenges, and opportunities. coordination chemistry reviews, 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.ccr.2024.215726.

2. haojing liu, weiya li, hui chang, hongkai hu, shengrui cui, chun-chao hou*, wei liu*, and yongcheng jin. micro area interface wetting structure with tailored li -solvation and fast transport properties in composite polymer electrolytes for enhanced performance in solid-state lithium batteries. acs appl. mater. interfaces, 2024, 16, 3489–3501.

3. jin‐rong li; ming‐xu liu; xia liu; xiang‐hui yu; qin‐zhu li; qi sun; tong sun; shuang cao; chun-chao hou*. the cathode catalysts of hydrogen fuel cell: from laboratory toward practical application. small methods, 2023, doi: 10.1002/smtd.202301249.

4. shuang cao; tong sun; jin-rong li; qin-zhu li; chun-chao hou*; qi sun. the cathode catalysts of hydrogen fuel cell: from laboratory toward practical application. nano research, 2022, doi: 10.1007/s12274-022-5082-z.

5. fulai liu; yanyan he; xiaopeng liu; zhuan wang; honglai liu; xiang zhu; chun-chao hou*; yuxiang weng; qianfan zhang; yong chen, regulating excitonic effects in covalent organic frameworks to promote free charge carrier generation. acs catalysis, 2022, 12, 9494–9502.

6. ruiqi xu; hongzhi cui; kunyu sun; xiaojie song; kaige yang; na wei; chun-chao hou; minggang zhao. controllable 3d interconnected featured pore structure of transition metal borides-carbonitride/mos2 for efficiently solar evaporation and wastewater purification. chemical engineering journal, 2022, 137275.



1.chun-chao hou, qiang li, chuan-jun wang, cheng-yun peng, qian-qian chen, hui-fang ye, wen-fu fu, chi-ming che, núria lópez, yong chen. ternary ni-co-p nanoparticles as noble-metal-free catalysts to boost the hydrolytic dehydrogenation of ammonia-borane. energy environ. sci.2017, 10, 1770. (esihighly cited paper, highlighted by x-mol, tipc news, energist, rationalscience, nanoer etc.)  

2. chun-chao hou, lianli zou, qiang xu. a hydrangea-like superstructure of open carbon cages with hierarchical porosity and highly active metal sites. adv. mater. 201931, 1904689. (inside cover, highlighted by materialsviews, x-mol, energist, rationalscience, nanoer, icat etc.)  

3.chun-chao hou, lianli zou, liming sun, kexin zhang, zheng liu, yinwei li, caixia li, ruqiang zou, jihong yu, qiang xu. single-atom iron catalysts on overhang-eave carbon cages for high-performance oxygen reduction reaction.angew. chem. int. ed.202059, 7384. (very important paper, vip paperfront cover, esi highly cited paper, highlighted by materialsviews, japan newspaper, energist, rationalscience, x-mol, nanoer etc.)  

4.chun-chao hou, lianli zou, yu wang, qiang xu. mof-mediated fabrication of porous 3-d superstructure of carbon nanosheets decorated with ultrafine cobalt phosphide nanoparticles for efficient electrolysis.angew. chem. int. ed.2020, doi:10.1002/anie.202011347. (very important paper, vip paperfrontspiece cover, highlighted by nanoerx-mol etc).  

5.chun-chao hou, hao-fan wang, caixia li and qiang xu. from metal-organic frameworks to single/dual-atom and cluster metal catalysts for energy applications. energy environ. sci.202013, 1658. doi: 10.1039/c9ee04040d. (esi highly cited paper, highlighted by energist, rationalscience, x-mol etc.)

6. chun-chao hou, yu wang, lianli zou, miao wang, hongwen liu, zheng liu, hao-fan wang, caixia li and qiang xu. a gas-steamed mof route to p-doped carbon cages with enhanced zn-ion energy storage capability and ultrastability.  adv. mater. 2021, doi:10.1002/adma.202101698.

7.chun-chao hou, qiang xu. metal-organic frameworks for energy. adv. energy mater.20199, 1801307.

