2018.01至今 中国海洋大学 材料科学与工程学院 副教授
2013.10 - 2017.12 中国海洋大学 材料科学与工程研究院 师资博士后/讲师
2007.08 - 2013.01 中国科学院金属研究所 表面工程研究部 工学博士
2010.12 - 2012.10 德国锡根大学 材料工程研究所 中欧联合培养博士
2003.09 – 2007.07 华中科技大学 材料成型与控制/英语 工学/文学学士
1. 金属表面涂层
2. 碳基纳米材料
2015-2017 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持
2015-2016 青岛市博士后应用研究项目,主持
2014-2016 中央高校青年教师科研专项基金,主持
2014-2016 青岛市科技计划项目,主持
1. mingqi wan, jing shi*, lei li, zhongyu cui, huanlei wang, xin wang*, a comparative study of the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of ni- or fe- based composite coatings by laser cladding. journal of materials engineering and performance, 2018;
2. xiaonan xu, yongpeng cui, jing shi*, wei liu, shougang chen, xin wang, huanlei wang*, sorghum core-derived carbon sheets as electrodes for a lithium-ion capacitor. rsc advance. 7, 17178, 2017;
3. mingjie lu, wenhua yu, jing shi*, wei liu, shougang chen, xin wang, huanlei wang*, self-doped carbon architectures with heteroatoms containing nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur as high-performance anodes for lithium- and sodium- ion batteries. electrochimica acta. 251, 396-406, 2017;
4. j. shi, h. q. li*, m. q. wan, h. l. wang, x. wang*, high temperature oxidation and inter-diffusion behavior of electroplated ni-re diffusion barriers between nicocraly coating and orthorhombic-ti2alnb alloy. corrosion science, 102, 200-208, 2016;
5. j. shi, m. q. wan, t. –g. wang*, h. l. wang, x. wang*, influence of thermal annealing on the microstructure, hardness and corrosion behavior of tialsicun nancomposite films. surface and interface analysis, 48(12), 1310-1315, 2016;
6. huanlei wang, wenhua yu, nan mao,jing shi*, wei liu*, effect on surface modification on high-surface-area carbon nanosheets anode in sodium ion battery. microporous and mesoporous materials,227, 1-8, 2016;
7. li lei,jing shi*, xin wang*, dan liu, haigang xu, microstructure and electrochemical behavior of cerium conversion coating modified with silane agent on magnesium substracts. applied surface science, 376, 161-171, 2016;
8. jing wang, zhicheng shi*, fan mao, xin wang, kun zhang, jing shi*, ni/al2o3/epoxy high-k composites with ultralow nickel content towards high-performance dielectric applications. rsc advances, 6, 43429, 2016;
9. j. shi, a. kumar, l. zhang, x. jiang*, z. l. pei, j. gong, c. sun*, effect of cu addition on properties of ti-al-si-n nanocomposite films deposited by cathodic vacuum arc ion plating. surface & coatings technology. 206, 2947-2953, 2012;
10. j. shi, c. m. muders, a. kumar, x. jiang*, z. l. pei, j. gong, c. sun*, study on nanocomposite ti-al-si-cu-n films with various si contents deposited by cathodic vacuum arc ion plating. applied surface science. 258, 9642-9649, 2012;