2007 年7月于中国海洋大学获材料化学学士学位,之后继续在中国海洋大学硕博连读,导师为曹立新教授,期间曾获教育部博士学术新人奖,2012年7月年取得博士学位。博士毕业后,2012.07-2014.11于中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所从事博士后研究工作,合作导师为王强斌研究员。2014 年 12 月起加入中国海洋大学材料科学与工程学院,任讲师/副教授,硕士研究生导师。
1. 企业科技开发项目
2. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目
3. 山东省自然科学基金青年科学基金
4. 山东省重大基础项目子课题
5. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金
6. 江苏省自然科学基金项目
7. 中国博士后第九批特别资助
8. 中央高校基本科研业务科研专项基金
9. 青岛市应用研究专项—青年应用基础研究项目
长期从事无机纳米功能材料研究,在无机功能纳米材料设计、可控合成及应用方面开展了深入研究;发现了二维非晶纳米结构的形成规律,建立了普适的晶态/非晶纳米材料的可控制备方法;以国家“双碳”目标及海洋新能源开发需求为导向,将非晶纳米材料应用于光/电解(海)水制氢领域,系统研究了非晶纳米结构提升催化性能的构效关系,为解决清洁氢能领域中贵金属关键核心材料的卡脖子和高成本问题提供了新的思路。已在angew. chem. int. ed., adv. mater., small, chem. eng. j.等top期刊发表70余篇论文,撰写英文专著1章节,授权发明专利6项,研究成果引起领域内同行的广泛关注,论文被正面引用2800余次,部分文章被chemical reviews, nature photonics, nature communications, jacs等top期刊广泛引用。主持包括国家自然科学青年基金、山东省自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、中国博士后特别资助及企业技术开发项目等十余项科研项目。除了夯实基础研究外,重视结合产业需求,发展的非晶纳米壳层修饰技术在氢氧化镁高效阻燃剂生产中获得推广使用,取得了可观的经济效益。担任chemical synthesis青年编委,frontiers in nanotechnology编委会编辑等。长期担任advanced materials, advanced functional materials, angewandte chemie international edition,small, applied catalysis b: environmental等43个国际sci期刊审稿人。相关信息具体见:
纳米材料由于其独特的微观结构和奇异的物理化学性质, 目前已成为材料领域研究的热点之一,在能源存储与转化领域展现了重要的应用前景。课题组主要基于液相合成法制备先进功能纳米材料,系统研究这些纳米材料在电催化,光/电/热多维能源催化,传感器件,及其他能源存储与转化方面的应用研究。主要研究方向有:
(1) 非晶纳米材料及其分解水(海)水制氢;
(2) 二维纳米材料可控合成及能源存储与转化;
(3) 无机纳米化学;
(1) zeng, b.; dong, b. h.*; et al. grafting ultra‐fine nanoalloys with amorphous skin enables highly active and long‐lived acidic hydrogen production. angewandte chemie international edition, 2024, doi: 10.1002/anie.202400582.
(2) yang, l.; dong, b. h.*; et al. vertical growth of 2d amorphous fepo4 nanosheet on ni foam: outer and inner structural design for superior water splitting. adv mater 2017, 29, 1704574.
(3) wang, r. n.; dong, b. h.*; et al. synergistic effects of dual‐doping with ni and ru in monolayer vs2 nanosheet: unleashing enhanced performance for acidic her through defects and strain. small 2024, doi: 10.1002/smll.202311217.
(4) sheng, h. b.; dong, b. h.*; et al. enriched fe doped on amorphous shell enable crystalline@amorphous core–shell nanorod highly efficient electrochemical water oxidation. small 2023, 19, 2300876.
(5) li, y. x.; dong, b. h.*; et al. ultra-low pt doping and pt–ni pair sites in amorphous/crystalline interfacial electrocatalyst enable efficient alkaline hydrogen evolution. small 2023, doi: 10. 1002/smll. 202300368.
(6) li, y. x.; dong, b. h.*; et al. interfacial engineering of polycrystalline pt5p2 nanocrystals and amorphous nickel phosphate nanorods for electrocatalytic alkaline hydrogen evolution. small 2022, 2206859.
(7) li, y. x.; dong, b. h.*; et al. interfacial electric field optimization and co-catalyst free lafeo3-based p-p-type homojunction for efficient pec water splitting. chem eng j 2024, 485, 149797.
(8) hao, z. c.; dong, b. h.*; et al. znin2s4/cu2s heterojunction assisted by changed surface states. chem eng j 2023, 486, 143568.
(9)wang, r. k.; dong, b. h.*; et al. plasma ag-loaded bandgap variational zn1-xmgxo-enhanced charge separation for photoelectrochemical water oxidation of cuwo4 photoanodes. chem eng j 2023, 455, 140861.
(10) li, y. x.; dong, b. h.*; et al. coupling porous ni doped lafeo3 nanoparticles with amorphous feooh nanosheets yields an interfacial electrocatalyst for electrocatalytic oxygen evolution. j mater chem a 2021, 9, 23545-23554
(11)han, j. x.; dong, b. h.*; et al. the triple atructure design of 2d amorphous fe-doped indium phosphate nanosheets as a highly efficient electrocatalyst for water oxidation. j mater chem a 2020, 8, 18232-18243.
(12)lv, q. l.; dong, b. h.*; et al. one-step construction of core/shell nanoarrays with a holey shell and exposed interfaces for overall water splitting. j mater chem a 2019, 7, 1196-1205.
(13)guo, z. l.; dong, b. h.*; et al. ultrathin vs2 nanoplate with in-plane and out-plane defects for an electrochemical supercapacitor with ultrahigh specific capacitance. j mater chem a 2018, 6, 14681-14688.
(14)zhang, x. y.; dong, b. h.*; et al. crystalline/amorphous composite interface induced by nabh4 hydrolysis reaction: a new interfacial electrocatalyst for efficient oxygen evolution reaction. mater today energy 2022, 26, 100987.
(15)lv, q. l.; dong, b. h.*; et al. featherlike nicop holey nanoarrys for efficient and stable seawater splitting. acs appl energ mater 2019, 2, 3910.