2023.03-至今 中国海洋大学 材料科学与工程学院 全职科研博士后研究人员
2021.08-2022.10 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所 特别研究助理 助理研究员
2015.08-2021.07 中国海洋大学 化学化工学院 博士
主持参与横纵向项目5项,发表高水平论文15篇,授权发明专利1项,包括腐蚀领域顶级期刊corrosion science 3篇,construction and building materials 1篇。获2018年度博士研究生国家奖学金。
1.2022-2023 烟台先进材料与绿色制造山东省实验室应用技术开放课题 主持
2.2017-2019 国家自然科学基金青年基金 参与
3.2020-2023 山东省重点研发计划子课题 参与
4.2023-2024 莱芜钢铁集团项目 参与
5.2016-2017 青岛市博士后应用研究项目 参与
[1]. huiyun tian, zhongyu cui*, heng ma, peilin zhao, maoxin yan, xin wang, hongzhi cui, corrosion evolution and stress corrosion cracking behavior of a low carbon bainite steel in the marine environments: effect of the marine zones, corrosion science 106 (2022) 110490. (if=7.205,一区top期刊,被引14次)
[2]. huiyun tian, juncheng xin, yong li, xin wang, zhongyu cui*, combined effect of cathodic potential and sulfur species on calcareous deposition, hydrogen permeation, and hydrogen embrittlement of a low carbon bainite steel in artificial seawater. corrosion science 158 (2019) 108089. (if=7.205,一区top期刊,被引74次)
[3]. huiyun tian, xin wang, zhongyu cui*, qiankun lu, liwei wang, li lei, yong li, dawei zhang, electrochemical corrosion, hydrogen permeation and stress corrosion cracking behavior of e690 steel in thiosulfate-containing artificial seawater. corrosion science 144 (2018) 145–162. (if=7.205,一区top期刊,被引107次)
[4]. huiyun tian, mindong chen, feng ge, kai song, xin wang, zhongyu cui*, hydrogen permeation and stress corrosion cracking of heat-affected zone of e690 steel under the combined effect of sulfur species and cathodic protection in artificial seawater. construction and building materials 296 (2021) 123721. (if=6.141,一区top期刊)
[5]. huiyun tian, feilong song, fuzhen chu, liwei wang, xin wang, zhongyu cui*, passivation behavior and surface chemistry of 316 ss in the environment containing cl- and nh4. journal of electroanalytical chemistry 886 (2021) 115138. (if=4.464)
[6]. huiyun tian, lin fan, yizhou li*, kun pang, fuzhen chu, xin wang, zhongyu cui*, effect of nh4 on the pitting corrosion behavior of 316 stainless steel in the chloride environment. journal of electroanalytical chemistry 894 (2021) 115368. (if=4.464)
[7]. yahui zhang#, huiyun tian#, xudong sui, xiaobo wang, feng zhou, xia zhang*, the improved anti-wear and anti-corrosion properties of epoxy resin with metal-organic framework zif-8 containing lubrication oil. langmuir 38 (2022) 10649–10661.( “#”为共同第一作者)(if=4.331,top期刊)
[8]. heng ma, huiyun tian*, juncheng xin, zhongyu cui, correlation between microstructure and hydrogen degradation of 690 mpa grade marine engineering steel. materials 14 (2021) 851.(“*”为独立通讯作者) (if=3.623)
[9]. liwei wang, huiyun tian, han gao, fazheng xie, kang zhao, zhongyu cui*, electrochemical and xps analytical investigation of the accelerative effect of bicarbonate/carbonate ions on aisi 304 in alkaline environment. applied surface science 492 (2019) 792–807. (if=6.707,一区top期刊)